Stéphanie & Philippe
Together for more than a decade, Stéphanie & Philippe tied the knot this September at Saint Paul Saint Louis Church, one of the churches I routinely stop by when I show friends and family around Paris. When Stéphanie told me where their ceremony was happening, I felt like there was no way I could say no. Other reasons Stéphanie and Philippe were the ideal couple:
1. The 2 met at Place des Vosges during recess of the school they were working at, so, of course, we had to take photos there
2. They entered their reception to the Ewok Celebration… enough said
3. They had a cinematic Blind Test during dinner
Bottom line, it was a blast, as I hope you can see in this little selection of photos of the day. Congratulations to the newlyweds, Stéphanie & Philippe!
Couples Session
Place des Vosges, Pont Alexandre III